「心內的所在 / 郭雪湖望鄉特展」是臺南市美術館為建構臺灣美術史所規畫的系列展覽之一。起點是從郭松年先生新近為其父郭雪湖所出版回憶錄「望鄉」一書開始發想,聚焦於探究郭雪湖多年於海內、外深耕累積的多元性及國際化觀點,並從一個旅人的創作視角,回望故鄉所在的內心歷程。
004 Preface───
008 Kuo Hsueh-Hu: The Reminiscence of Taiwan in His Heart Preface / Huang Kuang-Nan
012 Nostalgia and Diaspora - A Preface to Kuo Hsueh-Hu: The Reminiscence of Taiwan in His Heart / Pan Fan
014 Essays───
020 Dreamy Landscape, Nostalgia — the Inner Homeland of Kuo Hsueh-Hu / Pan Fan
034 Chasing Dreamland / Missing Homeland A New Discovery of Kuo Hsueh-Hu and His Reconnection with Taiwan's Art History / Lin Yu-Chun
050 A Dream of Three Colorful Boats / Sunny Kuo
054 Landscape
112 Flower-and-bird
132 Sketches and the Archives
148 Memories of the Enchanting Journey
154 Crossing the epoch through time and space-The Three States of Home Gazing, VR installation
160 Chronology of Kuo Hsueh-Hu
182 Exhibition Photos
/Preface/ The Chairman Tainan Art Museum Huang Kuang-Nan /
Kuo Hsueh-Hu: The Reminiscence of Taiwan in His Heart Preface
Kuo Hsuch-Hu is a name not to be forgotten in the painters' circles of Taiwan, known as the "Three Youths of Taiwan Art Exhibition “together with Lin Yu-Shan and Chen Chin. The given title almost became a turning point for Taiwan's art history, and it was even included in the college entrance exam. It seems that art historians in Taiwan enjoy creating catchy names, and we all memorize them indeed. However, does it help to offer a more profound understanding of Taiwan's art history?
The answer is negative. Nowadays, exhibitions featuring the Taiwanese pioneering artists are getting less and less. Back in the 1980s, it was the time when the art history of the pre-war Taiwan began to be brought to the attention. The visibility of the pioneering painters increased in frequency and richness as exhibited in many of the exhibitions at Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the museum I was in charge of, as well as listed in its publications. However, the glory belongs to the long gone past while it disappears unnoticed. As an art museum situated in Taiwan's political center, it is a sorrowful fact that the connection with the history of Taiwan is so pale and thin if we take a look back at the past and think about the present.
Since taking office, Cultural Minister Cheng Li-Chun has proposed a policy to reconstruct Taiwan's art history. It is definitely an excitement to the existing research on this discipline. However, if we take a look at the exhibitions held at major art museums in Taiwan, it is hard to ignore, a pity as it is, the overemphasis on contemporary arts and a lack of multiple perspectives.
The founding of Tainan Art Museum is a response to the four-hundred-year history of Tainan, attempting at the research, exhibition, promotion, and interpretation needed in relation to the achievements of the artists ahead of our time as a reflection, if not a reinterpretation, on the art history of Taiwan. Tainan is the first city built in Taiwan, accumulating the cultures of both the immigrants and the colonizers for four hundred years. A history of Tainan's art history somehow also represents the prehistory of the Taiwanese art, but what's more important is the local context of its art history that deserves our reflection and speculation.
Kuo Hsueh-Hu: The Reminiscence of Taiwan in His Heart, following The Transparent Local Color: A Retrospective of Kuo, Po-Chuan, is another big retrospective exhibition at Tainan Art Museum dedicated to the pioneering Taiwanese artists. It is not big in the exhibit numbers or scales, but the budget that supports an integration between humanity and technology to present delicate exhibition where the minimum effort has the maximum effect. Unlike Lin Yu-Shan and Chen Chin whose artistic styles are better known to the Taiwanese people, especially how the artistic shifts in Lin's paintings was almost in parallel with the postwar development of the Taiwanese arts, Kuo on the other hand moved to Japan in the 1960s and immigrated to the United States with his whole family. It was until the lifting of Martial Law that his arts had been gradually introduced to Taiwan again.
Over three decades after the lifting of Martial Law, we still have so little knowledge of the Taiwanese arts. We have past the peak of its research. Although the Ministry of Culture tries to document the shiny stars across the sky of the Taiwanese art history through its publication series Home Museum – Artist Biographies, the stars still fall faster than the publication of the books. Apart from this, the major museums in Taiwan rarely show their eagerness or concern, if not with a sense of distain, when it comes to the exhibitions of these pioneering artists. The policies of the museums often change with the leaders, who have the last words to promote the exhibitions they are interested in.
There is a long way in front of us in the construction of the Taiwanese arts. Perhaps the respect for the history and to cherish the contribution of those from the past should be the right attitude to hold on. Tainan Art Museum also expects the coming exhibitions featuring Hsu Wu-Yung and Hung Tung in. I sincerely hope that the continuous effort of Tainan Art Museum will make it a museum responsible for our history as well as the ongoing writing of it.
指導單位-臺南市政府 Supervisor---Tainan City Government
發行人-黃光男 Publisher---Huang Kuan-Nan
總編輯-潘襎 Editor-in-Chief---Pan Fan
總監暨策展人-林育淳 Artist Director & Curator---Lin Yu-Chun
執行監督-莊東橋 Executive Supervisor---Chuang Tong-Chiao
主編-郭懿萱 Executive Editor--- Kuo Yi-Hsuan
展覽執行-蕭楷競 Coordinator---Hsiao Kai-Ching
展場攝影-湛文甫 Photography---Chan Wen-Fu
Translator ---Siraya Pai, Kuan Yen-Ting, Linguitronics Co., Kuo Yi-Hsuan
校稿-蕭楷競、郭懿萱 Proofreader ---Hsiao Kai-Ching, Kuo Yi-Hsuan
美術編輯-天晴文化事業 Graphic Design---Dawn Culture Enterprises
印刷-天晴文化事業 Printed by---Dawn Culture Enterprises
Address---No.326, Sec.3, Jiankang Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70843
發行日期-2020年5月 Public Date---May 202
版次-初版 Edition - First Edition
定價-新臺幣1890元 Price — NTD 1890
國際標準書號-978-986-5415-94-5 ISBN 978-986-5415-94-5
發行單位-臺南市美術館 Published by---Tainan Art Museum
Blogl-No.37, Nanmen Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70049, Taiwan
Blog2-No. Section 2, Zhongyi Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70041, Taiwan
電話-06-221-8881 Tel ---06-221-8881
傳真-06-221-8882 Fax ---06-221-8882
電子信箱-publicetnam.museum E-mail - public@tnam.museum
網址-www.tnam.museum Website - www.tnam.museum